Things You Can Do While Staying Home During Coronavirus

Things You Can Do While Staying Home During Coronavirus

As Covid-19 spreads around the world it is important to stay at home as much as possible in order to reduce the spread. Spending so much time at home can quickly become boring and you may be running out of things to do to stay busy. 

Like many you might be looking for some escapism right now, something to take your mind of the constant news and sadness. That's why we have put together this list of activities that you can do alone or as a family to stay in a more positive mindset during this time. 

1. Listen to podcasts. Now is the perfect time to catch up on missed podcasts, my personal favourite is The Ikonns podcast by Alex and Mimi Ikonn. In a recent Q&A episode they discussed the steps that they are taking to reduce plastic waste and live more sustainably. They also discussed their thought processes behind their choices which might also help you in your path to less waste living.  Listen on Itunes   Listen on Spotify

2. Get Cooking. With the extra free time you can start cooking and Superfood Bakery Pancake Stackbaking some of your favourite treats. To make it more interesting try to swap ingredients to healthier options, for example sugar to date syrup. This is exactly what Superfood Bakery do, with their range of Vegan, Dairy Free and Gluten Free baking mixes. Make sure you check out my favourite Pancake Mix its so easy to make. Just add any plant based milk! 

3. Start Journaling. If you find your self feeling anxious and stressed frequently then journaling may be beneficial. Simply getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper can help you deal with things allowing you to feel more calm and in control. Journaling can also be a source of inspiration, as we are now 4 months into the year its a good time to reflect on your goals made at the start of 2020. Is there goals you have achieved? Things you still need to work on? Great! If there are new goals to make or achievements still to reach now is your opportunity. Incorporate tasks that will help you reach your goal throughout the day in order to keep moving one step closer!

Whatever you are doing while at home remember that these strange times will pass. By staying at home you are doing the right thing in order to stay safe, stay well and help our NHS. What have you been doing to pass the time? Did you find any of these recommendations helpful? Lets chat in the comments below!

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